Exam-sasa is a mobile learning education innovation that leverages basic mobile technology to bring standardized and quality assessment material to learners!

  • We provide basic assessment material with recommended reference resource to learners via Sms, android app & VOIP. Through our open source cloud platform we leverage the goodwill of the professional teachers community by crowd sourcing content and interactive lessons. We do believe that this will democratize education irregardless of learners social-economic backgrounds , language, age, gender and sex factor(s) or learning styles.

    we are on a mission to create a room for everybody to access education! through disrupting the brick & motor schooling system

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    M-SOMA android app

    receive and ask questions through our mobile app

    Ask a teacher any academic question and receive immediate worked out solutions . It's integrated with our IT systems and solutions enabling learners and teachers to sign in to access assessment &learning content plus get recommendation of the best reference resource for your personal learning.

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    animated learning content

    learners have access to dynamic gamificated content via their smart phone, feature phones and laptops. Integration to 3rd party platforms upon approval by the user and search capabilities via text and voice.

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    Revision via sms gateway

    services for learners

    Integration/ leveraging mobile and voice solutions to enhance all aspects of education assessment delivery. We have tools to enhance and improve interactions with learners , we can fully embrace the power of mobile as a multi-channel tool, ensuring blended and meaningful engagement every time in promoting personalized learning through customized messaging and voice solutions.

    Through dialing our sms code you can subscribe to:

    1.Get 10 questions daily with worked out solutions and reference resource.

    2.Get 30 questions with worked out solutions and reference resource .

    3.Get prerecorded lesson via dialing our VOIP provided number upon registration on any topic.

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    Teaching content via mobile app,sms and online

    services to educators

    Teachers can freely download all teaching plans, scheme of works and lesson notes in this site after registration. It is important for all teachers to register first so as we can give you a link to access this site and download their teaching material

  • TEAM

    exam-sasa is made up of great teachers who inspire learners to do so much more. we have great software developers with world class training and experience.

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    kaberia lawrence


    Kaberia is graduate of Mount Kenya University with a Bachelor of arts in Education with a major in English,Literature and Linguistics . He also like teaching,implementing and developing Ed-tech innovations for the marginalized areas of the World and volunteering as an English teacher in non-English speaking background.Earlier he founded the Huruma Welfare Center, a member of the UN's International Youth Council(Kenyan chapter)and a member of STATES' Young African leaders Initiative (YALI).


    Take a look and enjoy!

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    Educational crisis in North Eastern Kenya continue to worsen with hundreds of school going kinds taking to the street to request the government to re-deploy more teachers. 

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    The new M-soma education game app is out! If you wanna help us test it with us you can contact us at kmungori@gmail.com


    EXAMSASA VOIP services will be available soon!



    Send the word 'questions' to

    +254712129656 or


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